(CNN) カナダ西部ブリティッシュコロンビア州を先週末に襲った記録的な熱波で、海岸のムール貝やアサリが大量死し、専門家らが危機感を示している。 ブリティッシュコロンビア大学動物学部で気候変動が海岸の生態系に及ぼす影響を研究しているクリストファー・ハーリー教授は4日、同州バンクーバーの自宅近くの磯浜で、無数のムール貝が殻を開いた状態で腐りかけているのを見つけた。
CNN.co.jp : カナダ西岸、記録的熱波でムール貝が大量死
Harley roughly estimates that a total of one billion animals died in the Salish Sea off the coast of Vancouver during the heat wave, but says his team is still gathering data and whatever the actual number is, it’s massive. https://t.co/o2l9m3FX0k
— Toronto Star (@TorontoStar) July 7, 2021
“It’s (like) leaving a car in a hot parking lot,” marine biologist Chris Harley told the Star. Extreme heat temperatures, rising up to 40 C in Vancouver, had caused sea animals like mussels, clams and snails to cook to their death. Video: @kelseyleewilson https://t.co/o2l9m3FX0k pic.twitter.com/DwMwbAxR5A
— Toronto Star (@TorontoStar) July 7, 2021
Extreme heat cooked mussels, clams and other shellfish alive on beaches in Western Canadahttps://t.co/J0pMKpj5GP pic.twitter.com/rr7i9SjRlK
— CP24 (@CP24) July 10, 2021
A billion seashore animals cooked to death in Northwest #HeatWave2021. Marine biologists stunned by putrid stench of death & sight of tens of thousands of dead clams, snails, mussels & sea stars at a Vancouver beach. Hundreds of humans also died. https://t.co/KQK8Y2IRQP
— Susan Hassol, Climate Communication (@ClimateComms) July 6, 2021
取得元:You Tubehttps://jishin-yogen.com/blog-entry-16519.html